Pan Comido

How to use the expression

en plan in spanish

How to use the expression “en plan”

The expression “en plan” is a colloquial and informal phrase commonly used in Spain. It can have different meanings depending on the context. Let’s see some examples!

In the Manner of / Like:

  • Voy a vestirme en plan informal hoy.- I’m going to dress casually today.

In this context, “en plan” is used to convey the manner or style in which someone is going to dress, similar to saying “like” or “in a way.”

In a Sort of / Kind of:

  • Me dijo en plan broma que no vendría.He told me kind of jokingly that he wouldn’t come.”

Here, “en plan” is used to downplay the seriousness of the statement. It implies that the person said something in a somewhat joking or informal manner.

In a Certain Way / Sort of Like:

  • Lo hizo en plan profesional. – He did it in a professional sort of way.”

This usage suggests that the person performed an action in a certain manner, often emphasising a particular attitude or approach.

As an Expression of Agreement:

  • Vamos a salir esta noche, ¿en plan cenar y luego bailar?We’re going out tonight, like, have dinner and then dance?

In this case, “en plan” is used to propose or suggest a plan, often seeking agreement or confirmation.

This usage suggests that the person performed an action in a certain manner, often emphasising a particular attitude or approach.

So, there you have it! “En plan” is like that versatile friend who can fit into any situation. Whether you’re talking about dressing casually, making a joke, doing something professionally, or just suggesting a wild night out, “en plan” has got your back. So next time you’re chatting with your Spanish-speaking pals, throw in some “en plan” action and watch how smoothly your conversations flow. ¡A darle caña!